
What is DLP? Data Loss Prevention for Enterprises

Data Loss Prevention for Enterprises


What is Data Loss Prevention?

DLP stands for Data Loss Prevention. The definition of data loss prevention is that it's a set of tools and security processes that ensures the safety of data. This includes protecting data from getting lost, misused, or accessed by unauthorized parties.

Additionally, big organizations and enterprises use DLP not only to protect data loss but to ensure compliance with different sets of regulations. Data loss prevention technologies are often driven by regulations like GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, and others.

Furthermore, businesses and DLP enterprises employ this technology to protect intellectual property or other information critical for the organization. They can also use DLP tools to secure data on remote cloud systems or protect information shared with the mobile workforce.

DLP for Enterprises: Why Does it Matter?

Modern security practices require a high standard of data protection and data loss prevention. Enterprises use DLP for numerous reasons. Here are the three most significant ones:

  • Regulatory Compliance - Governments around the globe are increasingly developing mandatory compliance standards to ensure maximum user data protection and regulate how enterprises should secure and handle Personally Identifiable Information (PII). DLP, in security terms, is the first step in this process, as it’s generally considered the first step on the road to full compliance for enterprises.
  • Protection of Intellectual Property - Every organization has its secrets, strategically valuable information, or other data that it doesn’t want any outsider or competing business to see. Losing this information can be highly detrimental. A data loss prevention tool can help identify and protect this information from leaking or being abused.
  • Better Data Visibility - In line with the previous benefit, a data loss prevention solution is also a great mechanism to have in place to get a better insight into how the enterprise manages and accesses this data. To protect valuable data, enterprises must know where it exists, what’s its purpose, and who can use it.

To understand just how vital DLP for enterprises is, we only need to look at two statistical pieces. Contrary to the common misconception that the vast majority of attacks are caused by outside attacks, stats show that around 43% of all data breaches are internal. Equally worrying, up to 70% of all data breaches warrant public disclosure. In other words, over two-thirds of all data loss incidents require public disclosure or have negative financial implications.

Main Types of DLP

DLP is the main software for data loss prevention, but one that comes in several types. To know which one is best for your business, you need to understand the difference between each main type of DLP. There are three DLP types:

Network DLP

They are used as a protection tool for all network processes. For example, to protect the organization’s web application or email. Network DLP is located in the enterprise’s network, where it constantly moves throughout, monitoring all data on the network. Network DLP also maintains an active database covering what data is being used and who is using it.

Endpoint DLP

DLP for endpoint is used to monitor workstations, servers, and other mobile devices that store valuable enterprise data. This type of data loss prevention is installed directly on the endpoint equipment to prevent any data from leaking. Additionally, it also provides enterprise visibility into the data stored on the endpoint.

Storage DLP

This type of DLP provides viewing of sensitive files shared and stored over the enterprise network. It can provide visibility both via on-site storage files and cloud-based storage. It’s a great tool for controlling data and confidential files shared by users with access to the corporate network.

Data Loss Prevention Technologies and Tools

With the understanding of what DLP is, its purpose, and its main types, we should also highlight the best tools and the ways they can be used. For data loss prevention to be functional and reliable, you need to set it up properly from the get-go. Let’s take a closer look at the data loss prevention best practices:

  • Make an Assessment Before You Start - You can’t establish a firm DLP policy if you don’t know what you’re protecting. That’s why you should make a complete inventory and assessment before you move on to any other actions. You can do this part independently or hire a professional vendor to do a full scan of your corporate network.
  • The DLP Program Must be Centralized - Many organizations make the mistake of implementing several DLPs across separate departments or enterprise units. While this may seem like a good idea at first glance, it comes with a few significant disadvantages. The most serious one is that the network protection will be inconsistent across each department. In return, this will make the entire network more vulnerable to data loss. With this in mind, the DLP program should always be centralized and overarch all departments.
  • Establish Data Handling Policies Upfront - During the early stages of policy development, make sure to establish both data handling and incident remediation policies. Know what data categories to single out, how to combat data misuse, and what steps to take if you experience an issue.
  • Educate Employees on the Process - Malicious inside jobs can happen from time to time. But, the bulk of all data breaches and losses comes from unintended and uneducated actions. If you educate your employees on the newly-adopted tools and practices, your DLP software will be much more efficient.
  • Understand the Limits of DLP - Lastly, remember that DLP has its limitations and that it’s not the sole software you can use to ensure all-around protection. DLP software can’t track all types of modern mobile communication. Moreover, it can only examine and understand encrypted data it has initially decrypted. If the data is encrypted by a key that isn’t available to DLP system operators, the information will stay invisible.

How Can Hideez Help?

The choice of software for data loss prevention is a critical step in the process. This is why it’s vital to pick a reliable and proven solution for all your data management needs. Hideez Enterprise Solution is a universal identity and access management solution that consists of wireless hardware tokens - Hideez Security Keys, Hideez USB Bluetooth Dongles, Hideez Enterprise Server, and Hideez Client application. Hideez Enterprise Server provides transparency in regulating user permissions and helps prevent data leaks by:

  • Automating access to online services and sensitive files without the need to disclose credentials to them.
  • Recording information about employees, their accounts, security keys, and workstations.
  • Allowing access management for shared computers & accounts
  • Providing a proximity-based authentication for multiple workstations
  • Integrating with SSO, enterprise mobility management, IAM, PAM, and Active Directory.
  • Ensuring 100% protection against phishing attacks without additional employee training.

If you’re interested in trying out our service or want to find out more about how Hideez can help your business, contact us now or request a free pilot.