
Hideez Blog | Identity Management News, Best practices & Tips

Brute Force Attacker is Watching You! Preventing Brute Force Attacks

Brute Force Attackers
  In today's digital landscape, cyber threats have become more sophisticated and pervasive than ever before. From phishing scams to ransomware ...

The Problem of Cracked Passwords. How to Prevent Password Crack?

<b>The Problem of Cracked Passwords. How to Prevent Password Crack?</b>
  Passwords have been widely adopted as the most effective way to protect valuable data from unauthorized access. They are simple and easy to u...

Vishing Explained: What are Vishing and Smishing?

<b>Vishing Explained: What are Vishing and Smishing?</b>
  When your phone rings and you see a number you’re not familiar with, you can’t tell who’s on the other side unless you answer. But, doing so ...

Phishing Defined: What Does Phished Mean? Spear Phishing vs Phishing

<b>Phishing Defined: What Does Phished Mean? Spear Phishing vs Phishing</b>
  Even if you aren’t very much into cybersecurity and are not particularly tech-savvy, you’ve probably heard about the term phishing. But, do y...

What's Identity Theft? Identity Theft Consequences & Ways to Prevent

How to prevent identity theft
  Contents What's Identity Theft? The Most Common Forms of Identity Theft Identity Theft Consequences Dealing with Identity Theft How Identity ...

What is Keylogging? Tips on How to Detect and Prevent Keylogging

What is Keylogging
  With each passing year, hackers develop more sophisticated tools and programs to stay ahead of the curve and deal a lot of headaches to cyber...

What Does Spoofing Mean? Detection & Prevention

<b>What Does Spoofing Mean? Detection & Prevention</b>
  Let’s imagine a scenario. You wake up and start your morning by checking your emails, only to find an urgent email from your bank prompting y...

Cybersecurity Best Practices for Employees

Cybersecurity Best Practices for Employees
Staff members can fall victim to many different security threats, companies can never be secure enough when it comes to safeguarding their sensitive information. Continue reading to find out the best practices for employees and how to implement them to improve employee cybersecurity awareness going into 2020. 

What is Phishing? Phishing Types and Tips for Prevention

What is Phishing? Phishing Types and Tips for Prevention

Phishing is an old and tested cyber-security attack that, to this day, remains #1 cause of data breaches worldwide. Anyone can fall victim to a phishing attack, so it's essential to know how to recognize one.