
Dear User!
Thank you for selecting our product.

Check minimum requirements for your device: Bluetooth 4.0, Windows 10, Android 7.0.

In case you have any questions, feel free to contact us at support@hideez.com

Hideez Downloads Server
Hideez Authentication Service
A universal IAM solution that can help manage the identities and access rights of employees to workstations, protect access to all digital accounts & files and avoid security risks. To learn more about Hideez Authentication Service, schedule a free demo.
Downloads Hiddeez Key
Hideez Key 3, Hideez Key 4
(Standalone version)
Bluetooth Security Key & Password vault that can store and automatically fill your logins and passwords. Hardware token for 2FA and passwordless authentication based on TOTP, FIDO U2F, and FIDO2 support. The Key can lock/unlock Windows PCs by proximity and open RFID door locks.
Downloads Hideez Dongle
Hideez Dongle
Special accessory for systems that are not Bluetooth 4.0 compatible. Hideez Bluetooth dongle connects your Mac or PC to a growing list of Bluetooth devices like smartphones, tablets, mice, keyboards, and our product Hideez Key Hardware Vault
Downloads Hideez Mobile Authenticator
Hideez Authenticator
Hideez Authenticator provides fast and secure access to coporate apps and web services with mobile sign-ins. Let employees sign in to their accounts on a desktop with their smartphone.

✔ Use passwordless biometric logins or scan QR codes to sign in;
✔ Enable Single Sign-On with 2FA for any apps and services;
✔ Reduce the risk of phishing, unauthorized access and account takeovers;
✔ Meet strong authentication requirements to secure access to sensitive data.