Évitez les menaces de cybersécurité courantes dans les jeux en ligne :

Attaques de phishing

Prises de contrôle de compte

Hussle avec des mots de passe

Mauvaises mesures de sécurité
Quels sont les avantages d'utiliser la clé de sécurité Hideez ?

Gestionnaire de mot de passe matériel multifonctionnel et dispositif de sécurité

Protection à 100 % contre le phishing

Authentification multifacteur transparente

Authentification FIDO2 sans mot de passe
(services Google et Microsoft, AWS, réseaux sociaux populaires, etc.) basés sur la compatibilité avec la norme FIDO2
FIDO (Fast ID Online) is a set of specifications developed for strong and convenient authentication. It is developed by the FIDO Alliance, a non-profit organization that seeks to standardize authentication and eliminate the use of passwords across websites and apps.
There are three sets of specifications for authentication: FIDO Universal Second Factor (FIDO U2F), FIDO Universal Authentication Framework (FIDO UAF), and the Client to Authenticator Protocols (CTAP). Together, they are known as FIDO2 standard.
All FIDO protocols are based on public key cryptography and are strongly resistant to phishing (for more information, see How FIDO Works). For example, Hideez Key comes in the form of a small Bluetooth keychain. User unlocks it using a button and a securely-entered PIN instead of remembering a whole bunch of complex passwords.
The FIDO Alliance has more than 250 members, including global tech leaders across enterprise, payments, telecom, government and healthcare. FIDO standards are supported by major browsers and operating systems, such as Windows 10 and Android platforms, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Apple Safari browsers. The number of FIDO-enabled Platforms and browsers is constantly growing.
The key connects to your Windows PC or Android devices
via Bluetooth Low Energy technology (BLE)
and use them to access thousands of websites or mobile apps
with single sign-on (SSO)
1.3 x 1.3 x 0.4 inch
0.3 oz
FIDO authentication: Windows 10 and Android 8+ devices via internal or External Bluetooth 4.0 BLE
Password Vault & Smart Lock functionality: Windows 10 + Hideez Bluetooth Dongle
ATMEL T5577 is compatible with EM Marin standard and HID (125 kHz).
Please contact us to request modules supporting other standards like MIFARE NFC (13.56 MHz)
Bluetooth 4.1+
CR2032 (Replacement frequency: every 6 months)