
Hideez Blog | Identity Management News, Best practices & Tips

Elevating Security: Hideez and Ekran System Join Forces for Advanced Endpoint Identity Management

<b>Elevating Security: Hideez and Ekran System Join Forces for Advanced Endpoint Identity Management</b>
  Hideez is delighted to announce a strategic partnership with Ekran System, a leading provider of insider risk management solutions. This coll...

Hideez is Now a Microsoft-Compatible FIDO Security Key Vendor

Microsoft-approved FIDO2 security key vendor
We are thrilled to announce that Hideez Group Inc. has achieved the status of a Microsoft-approved FIDO2 security key provider, renowned for de...

Hideez Authentication Service is Now Available on AWS Marketplace!

<b>Hideez Authentication Service is Now Available on AWS Marketplace!</b>
  We are delighted to announce the availability of Hideez Authentication Service as a Security solution in the AWS Marketplace! AWS Marketplace...

SafetyDetectives: An Interview with Oleg Naumenko, CEO Hideez

<b>SafetyDetectives: An Interview with Oleg Naumenko, CEO Hideez</b>
  SafetyDetectives spoke with Hideez founder and CEO Oleg Naumenko. He is currently in Ukraine and has volunteered to help the government impro...

Hideez Enables Passwordless Access to Enterprise Services with Endpoint Biometric sensor to Enhance its FIDO Server

Hideez FIDO Server for Passwordless Authentication
Hideez Group has rolled out a new 3.8.6 version of the Hideez Authentication Server, which allows passwordless access with different types of FID...

Hideez Key 4, A New Key Ensuring Passwordless Access In Both Digital and Physical World

Hideez Key 4
Our new security solution, Hideez Key 4, is now on sale and will be available for pre-order at a special price of $49 until August 2021.  The devi...

Hideez Assists FIDO Alliance in Launching the New Metadata Specification (MDS3)

With the demise of password-based security and a growing diversity of authenticators over the last few years, a new streamlined repository to add ...

[Вебинар] Революция в аутентификации Fast Identity Online. Технология, которая изменит мир

Вебинар стандарт fido беспарольная аутентификация
Спикеры: Олег Науменко, Юрий Аккерманн Обсуждаемые темы: 🔺Пароли должны умереть! Что взамен? - Юрий Аккерманн 🔺Беспрово...

Беспроводная Электронная Подпись «Алмаз-1К»: удобство и безопасность в вашем кармане

Беспроводная Электронная Подпись «Алмаз-1К»: удобство и безопасность в вашем кармане

Hideez Group совместно с компанией АО «Институт информационных технологий» представили новый инструмент для безопасного хранения данных – электронный ключ «Алмаз-1К», поддерживающий беспроводную технологию Bluetooth.

Hideez is a SAML 2.0 Identity Provider

Hideez is a SAML 2.0 Identity Provider
Hideez SAML Identity Provider complements the Hideez Enterprise Server with new capabilities. The IdP uses HES identity store enabling authentication and providing federation for service providers which support SAML 2.0 Web Browser SSO Profile.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Hideez

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Hideez

Here’s a roundup of answers to some of the most common inquiries we receive about Hideez and our all-in-one digital key for endpoint identity & access management. If you have any additional questions or would like any more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly at info@hideez.com.

How to Use Hideez Key's RFID Module

How to Use Hideez Key's RFID Module
Hideez Key can serve as an electronic key for home, office or gym. Using the RFID features does not require any additional software. Hideez Key is equipped with RFID module that works on the 125 kHz frequency bandwidth. The RFID antenna with the control unit can be found under the top cover.