
Hideez-Blog | Neuigkeiten, Best Practices und Tipps zum Identitätsmanagement

Was ist Proximity Login? Vollständiger Leitfaden zur Proximity-Authentifizierung und MFA

Proximity login & logout

Even in 2024, we still primarily rely on traditional methods of authentication based on a username/password combination. However, not only is this method impractical the more passwords you need to remember, but there are also many more efficient and more secure methods of cyber authentication. One of the increasingly more popular forms of authentication is Proximity-Based Authentication. 

Sicherheitslösungen für die Fertigung: Top-Tipps zur sicheren Fertigung und Zugangskontrolle

<b>Manufacturing Security Solutions:  Top Tips on Secure Manufacturing & Access Control</b>

Due to the inherent way they operate, manufacturing sites are faced with a unique set of challenges that many other organizations don’t have to deal with. This puts manufacturers in a burdensome position of having to implement robust integrated security solutions to ensure around-the-clock protection. In this article, we’ll discuss the best manufacturing security solutions and OT security solutions, and share the top tips for establishing secure manufacturing.

Was ist Unternehmenssicherheit? Top-Tipps und Lösungen für 2024

<b> What Is Corporate Security? Top Tips and Solutions for 2024 </b>

Although absolutely critical for all organizations, corporate security is, unfortunately, often misunderstood. Although the perception around it is slowly but surely changing, many businesses still see it as a redundant expense. So, what is corporate security management exactly? How does it work, how can you enhance it, and what are the main challenges that stand in the way?

Wie melde ich mich ohne Kennwort bei Windows 10 an und vermeide Sicherheitsrisiken?

How to Log into Windows 10 without Password and Avoid Security Risks?

Bei jeder Anmeldung bei Ihrem Windows-Computer ein Passwort eingeben zu müssen, kann lästig sein, insbesondere wenn Sie eine schwierige und komplexe Kombination verwenden. Glücklicherweise gibt es einige Möglichkeiten, Ihr Windows 10-Passwort zu entfernen, ohne Ihre vertraulichen Informationen zu gefährden. Lesen Sie weiter und erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Anmeldung bei Windows 10 ohne Passwort aktivieren und dabei Sicherheitsrisiken vermeiden.

Smartcard-Authentifizierung der nächsten Generation: Wie verbessert die FIDO-Authentifizierung herkömmliche Smartcard-Anmeldungen?

next-gen smartcard login
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the protection of sensitive information has become increasingly crucial. As traditional authentication methods struggle to keep pace with evolving threats, smart card authentication has emerged as a reliable solution, providing enhanced security for both individuals and organizations.

Mobile Authentifizierung und App-Authentifikatoren: Die Zukunft des passwortlosen Identitätsmanagements

What is app authenticator?
In today's digital world, securing sensitive information and protecting user privacy is of utmost importance. Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated, making it challenging for organizations to keep up with the latest security protocols. Passwords have been a long-standing method of securing data, but they are increasingly proving to be inadequate in the face of advanced threats such as phishingkeylogging, and brute force attacks.

Was ist ein virtueller Desktop? Virtueller Desktop unter Windows 10

<b> What is Virtual Desktop? Virtual Desktop on Windows 10 </b>
A VDI (Virtual Desktop Interface) can be a valuable tool that lets you maintain productivity and quality of work by allowing you access to a system from different places. Whether you’re just one individual or a company that employs remote workers, a virtual desktop can make your projects more convenient and streamlined.

Warum die Zugriffskontrolle wichtig ist – Beispiele und Lösungen für die Zugriffskontrolle

<b>Why Access Control Is Important? Access Control Examples and Solutions</b>
If you’re a business owner or run an organization, no matter which scale, implementing a robust external security system is a must. The number of online threats is increasing over time, and this doesn’t only pertain to external threats. An internal security problem can have equally devastating consequences for your organization.

Was ist LDAP-Authentifizierung? LDAP im Vergleich zu SAML | Hideez

<b>What is LDAP authentication? LDAP vs SAML </b>
Both the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol and the Security Assertion Markup Language (LDAP and SAML) are widely used access and authentication protocols, often used for applications, and in a variety of organizations, yet they are employed for quite distinct use cases. Despite this, organizations should not be forced to pick either LDAP or SAML. Most firms can access a wider range of IT resources when they use a combination of authentication protocols, which ultimately helps them better achieve their business goals.

Active Directory im Vergleich zu LDAP. Wofür wird LDAP verwendet?

<b>Active Directory vs LDAP. What LDAP is used for? </b>
For managed services providers (MSPs), Active Directory and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (AD and LDAP) are so common and familiar that they rarely bother to discuss their functions and how to use them most effectively. This is unfortunate as the AD and LDAP are critical to all the work that IT experts do. For this reason, it is imperative that these concepts are thoroughly understood and reflected on to show how they can be applied most effectively within IT organizations. 

Point-of-Sale-Autorisierung: Wie lassen sich POS-Sicherheitsprobleme vermeiden?

<b>Point of Sale Authorization: How to Avoid POS Security Issues?</b>
Nowadays, every reputable retailer, no matter their size, should use a POS system. Point of sale authorization makes every business more streamlined, is cost-effective, and brings a ton of additional benefits. That said, POS authorization also brings up potential security issues.

Wie funktioniert die Tap-and-Go-Technologie? Hideez Tap-and-Go-Geräte

tap and go technology
When talking about this technology, the simple tap and go meaning refers to contactless payments. Instead of the traditional way of paying for things by swiping your card or putting it into a chip reader, tap and go technology enables contactless communication between your device, and the device you want to make your payment to.