
Identitäts- und Zugriffsverwaltungsdienste

Liste der mit dem Hideez-Authentifizierungsdienst kompatiblen IAM-Dienste

Wenn Ihre Mitarbeiter nur über die Berechtigungen verfügen, die sie benötigen, verschwinden zufällige Störungen beim Betrieb Ihrer Dienste aufgrund des „menschlichen Faktors“ ganz einfach. Die moderne digitale Welt erfordert eine effiziente und sichere Verwaltung des Zugriffs auf verschiedene Ressourcen und die Identifizierung von Benutzern dank spezialisierter Dienste. Solche Dienste sind zu einem integralen Bestandteil der Informationstechnologie geworden und bieten sicheren Zugriff auf Systeme, Daten und Dienste. Diese Dienste umfassen eine Vielzahl von Methoden und Tools, um eine Person zu identifizieren, ihre Authentizität zu überprüfen und den entsprechenden Zugriff gemäß den Rechten und Einschränkungen bereitzustellen.

Dank dieser Dienste können Organisationen kontrollieren, welche Benutzer Zugriff auf bestimmte Ressourcen, Anwendungen oder Informationen haben. Sie sorgen für die Sicherheit von Geschäftsinformationen durch die Verwendung verschiedener Authentifizierungsmethoden wie Passwörter, Biometrie, Token usw. Dies verhindert den unbefugten Zugriff auf vertrauliche Informationen und den Missbrauch von Berechtigungen, bietet den Benutzern Komfort und vereinfacht den Autorisierungsprozess. Auf dieser Seite sehen wir uns die verschiedenen Arten von Zugriffs- und Identitätsverwaltungsdiensten an und wie man sie mit dem kompatiblen Hideez Authentiction Service konfiguriert.
Azure Active Directory

Microsoft Azure AD

Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) serves as a cloud-centric solution for managing identity and access. Functioning as a cloud directory and identity management service, it provides authentication and authorization functionalities across a spectrum of Microsoft offerings, including Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, Azure, and cloud-based applications.

Compatible authetication methods:

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AWS IAM empowers you to securely administer access to AWS services and resources. With AWS IAM, you have the capability to establish users and allocate them with personalized access credentials, ensuring robust security measures.

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Gain effortless access to all your company's programs with Okta's unified cloud platform. With a single login, seamlessly connect to essential tools like Slack, Zoom, Gmail, and Figma. Whether on a computer, tablet, or phone, Okta ensures convenient access from anywhere, anytime.

Compatible authetication methods:

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AWS Single Sign-On

AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) facilitates easy centralized management and provision of unified access for users across multiple AWS accounts and business applications from one central hub. AWS SSO also integrates WebAuthn for enhanced verification and protection against phishing attempts.

Compatible authetication methods:

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Avatier offers an identity management platform that empowers organizations globally to grow rapidly, innovate quickly, and embrace change more effectively. Avatier solutions are customized to meet the requirements of business users and establish a cohesive framework for business operations across the board.

Compatible authetication methods:

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A software that seamlessly integrates with your existing Active Directory authentication, enabling you to specify which users, systems, and processes will utilize the two-factor method.

Compatible authetication methods:

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An identity platform for enterprises providing a range of authentication services, including versatile login options such as multi-factor authentication and single sign-on.

Compatible authetication methods:

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Code Enigma offers a holistic solution for organization-wide identity and authentication management. Through managed authentication services, organizations can implement the Hideez Key OTP for 2.

Compatible authetication methods:

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RPre-built solutions for seamless integration with the identity system, expediting digital transformation. The Curity Identity Server merges identity security and APIs to ensure dependable authentication and authorization.

Compatible authetication methods:

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DUO Security

DUO Security

The creator of ID systems confirms user identities and device status prior to application access, enhancing cybersecurity defense against potential breaches.

Compatible authetication methods:

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A versatile platform equipped to meet the evolving needs of identity management, ensuring secure access and streamlined authentication processes through multi-factor authentication.

Compatible authetication methods:

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Hello ID


Tools4ever offers a comprehensive cloud-based solution for managing identity and access. Gain secure access to all your cloud applications from anywhere using SSO, and implement additional security measures through access policies and MFA.

Compatible authentication methods:

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Identity Automation

Identity Automation

Identity management software that optimizes IT expenditure. This platform prioritizes intelligent automation, access provisioning, and account management. Incorporate Hideez tools with RapidIdentity for robust phishing protection.

Compatible authetication methods:

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LogonBox offers unified login, password management, and remote access control through cloud-based or on-premises services. LogonBox, in partnership with Hideez, resolves password forgetfulness, easing the workload on your IT team.

Compatible authetication methods:

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The creator of ID systems confirms user identities and device status prior to application access, enhancing cybersecurity defense against potential breaches.

Compatible authetication methods:

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Radiant Logic


RadiantOne FID is an identity and directory service that offers a consolidated perspective on user groups, facilitating authorization for security initiatives, consolidation, and YubiKey-based authentication.

Compatible authentication methods:

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RSA SecurID® Access

Multi-factor authentication software that mitigates identification risks by integrating local and cloud components into a singular solution through a distinctive hybrid model.

Compatible authetication methods:

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ilex international

Sign&go Global SSO

Tools4ever offers a comprehensive cloud-based solution for managing identity and access. Gain secure access to all your cloud applications from anywhere using SSO, and implement additional security measures through access policies and MFA.

Compatible authentication methods:

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Smart ID Digital Access

Multi-factor authentication for digital access. Enables clients to centrally manage and protect the complete lifecycle of user identification data, both digital and physical, in a secure and centralized manner.

Compatible authentication methods:

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Shibboleth stands as a prominent SAML implementation adopted by higher education institutions globally. Since 2003, hundreds of universities have relied on Shibboleth to safeguard access.

Compatible authetication methods:

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UserLock simplifies the implementation of MFA for Windows, RDP, RD Gateway, VPN, IIS, and cloud applications. Authenticate all Active Directory accounts and safeguard their network and cloud service access.

Compatible authentication methods:

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Unlock advanced security capabilities With Passwordless SSO and Proximity-Based Authentication for Workforce.