
Hideez Blog | Identity Management News, Best practices & Tips

What is DLP? Data Loss Prevention for Enterprises

data loss prevention
  What is Data Loss Prevention? DLP stands for Data Loss Prevention. The definition of data loss prevention is that it's a set of tools and sec...

Hideez Key 4, A New Key Ensuring Passwordless Access In Both Digital and Physical World

Hideez Key 4
Our new security solution, Hideez Key 4, is now on sale and will be available for pre-order at a special price of $49 until August 2021.  The devi...

Hideez Assists FIDO Alliance in Launching the New Metadata Specification (MDS3)

With the demise of password-based security and a growing diversity of authenticators over the last few years, a new streamlined repository to add ...

SAML Basics: What is SAML And How Does It Work?

<b>SAML Basics: What is SAML And How Does It Work?</b>
  SAML authentication is a widely used method that makes all of our lives easier. But, most online users don’t know how SAML works or what it e...

How to Secure your Gmail Account in 2022? - Email Security Best Practices

<b> How to Secure your Gmail Account in 2022? - Email Security Best Practices </b>

Gmail is one of the most popular and yet most vulnerable email services. Backed by the largest search engine in the world and with over 1 billion email users and a corresponding amount of payment and confidential information, it attracts many scammers. It inspired us at Hideez to investigate the topic and provide tips on how to secure your Gmail account in 2022.

What Is Single-Factor Authentication? SFA Pros and Cons

What Is Single-Factor Authentication? SFA pros and cons
  Single-factor authentication (SFA) was the norm for many years before multi-factor authentication started gradually replacing it. In today’s ...

NIST Password Guidelines 2021. Password Policy Best Practices

NIST Password Guidelines | Password Policy Best Practices
  A recent survey has shown that two-thirds of companies don’t change passwords. The reasoning behind this statistic is even more worrying, as ...

What is a Bluetooth Dongle and How to Choose the Best One?

What is a Bluetooth Dongle and How to Choose the Best One?
  Adding a Bluetooth dongle to PC or Mac devices seems like a reasonably straightforward process. However, a lot of things can go wrong, not to...

What is a Hardware Token? Hard Tokens vs. Soft Tokens

Hardware tokens Explained by Hideez
  Passwords are flawed, and nowadays, obsolete methods of authentication. For this reason, cybersecurity companies have developed more sophisti...

CPRA explained. What does it mean for Businesses?

<b>CPRA explained. What does it mean for Businesses?</b>
  The CCPA, California Consumer Privacy Act, has been legally enforceable since July 1st of last year. It is the first significant privacy law ...

[Вебинар] Революция в аутентификации Fast Identity Online. Технология, которая изменит мир

Вебинар стандарт fido беспарольная аутентификация
Спикеры: Олег Науменко, Юрий Аккерманн Обсуждаемые темы: 🔺Пароли должны умереть! Что взамен? - Юрий Аккерманн 🔺Беспрово...

Беспроводная Электронная Подпись «Алмаз-1К»: удобство и безопасность в вашем кармане

Беспроводная Электронная Подпись «Алмаз-1К»: удобство и безопасность в вашем кармане

Hideez Group совместно с компанией АО «Институт информационных технологий» представили новый инструмент для безопасного хранения данных – электронный ключ «Алмаз-1К», поддерживающий беспроводную технологию Bluetooth.