
Hideez Blog | Notizie sulla gestione delle identità, best practice e suggerimenti

Sicurezza informatica sanitaria 2022 | Evitare violazioni dei dati

Healthcare Cyber Security 2022 | Avoiding Data Breaches

Though cyberattacks are nothing new in the online world, there has been an astounding increase in healthcare cyber security breaches. While healthcare services hold a lot of our valuable personal information, they have surprisingly vulnerable security solutions. On this page, we’ll look at the most significant reasons why cyber attackers target healthcare services, the main risks involved, and how hospitals can enhance their healthcare security solutions.

Come proteggere la mia password nel 2022? I migliori consigli per la sicurezza delle password

How to secure my password? Best Tips for Password Security
Recently, over half a million login credentials belonging to users of a popular VPN service have been collected by hackers. Nothing but the attacker’s moniker “Orange” is known, with the hacker releasing all of this information on a dark web forum soon after harvesting the login credentials.

Hideez abilita l'accesso senza password ai servizi aziendali con il sensore biometrico dell'endpoint per migliorare il proprio server FIDO

Hideez FIDO Server for Passwordless Authentication
Hideez Group has rolled out a new 3.8.6 version of the Hideez Authentication Server, which allows passwordless access with different types of FIDO authenticators. demo version of the updated server is now available for businesses and anyone interested in implementing Hideez Authentication Service to protect their infrastructure.

Come proteggere con password le cartelle in Windows 10 e proteggere i file?

How to password protect a folder?
Password protecting your folders adds great protection to your sensitive information. It minimizes the chances of anyone snooping around, especially if you share a Windows PC with multiple users. Best of all, you can choose from a variety of different tools to password protect your folders entirely for free. There’s even a built-in Windows password protection tool.

Dalle password al senza password: Apple adotta una nuova tecnologia di autenticazione

Apple adopts passwordless technology
Apple has finally introduced its new passkeys technology in a move to foster the development of passwordless authentication. With passkeys in iCloud Keychain, macOS and iOS users will get the option to log in to their accounts with just a username and a Face ID or Touch ID scan, which is promised to be easier, faster, and much more secure than traditional password-based logins and MFA. 

Le nuove linee guida FIDO UX e i miglioramenti FIDO2

FIDO UX Guidelines
The FIDO Alliance recently made a significant move towards a passwordless world, announcing new FIDO2 standards and its first user experience (UX) guidelines. The latter is a major step towards even broader FIDO adoption, as it provides consumers with helpful information on how they can benefit from adopting FIDO. 

Che cos'è la DLP? Prevenzione della perdita di dati per le aziende

data loss prevention
DLP stands for Data Loss Prevention. The definition of data loss prevention is that it's a set of tools and security processes that ensures the safety of data. This includes protecting data from getting lost, misused, or accessed by unauthorized partie

Hideez Key 4, una nuova chiave che garantisce l'accesso senza password sia nel mondo digitale che in quello fisico

Hideez Key 4
Our new security solution, Hideez Key 4, is now on sale and will be available for pre-order at a special price of $49 until August 2021. The device has multi-protocol support, including TOTP, FIDO U2F, and FIDO2, supplemented by password management opportunities, proximity-based authentication, and a built-in pre-programmed RFID tag to open RFID door locks. 

Hideez assiste FIDO Alliance nel lancio della nuova specifica dei metadati (MDS3)

With the demise of password-based security and a growing diversity of authenticators over the last few years, a new streamlined repository to add and view FIDO Certified authenticators has long been needed. And here comes the Metadata Service version 3! The service was upgraded by the FIDO Alliance in collaboration with Hideez Group and introduced this week as a replacement to the deprecated MDS2.

Nozioni di base su SAML: cos'è SAML e come funziona?

<b>SAML Basics: What is SAML And How Does It Work?</b>
SAML authentication is a widely used method that makes all of our lives easier. But, most online users don’t know how SAML works or what it even is, for that matter. There are many terms you can use to describe the features and capabilities of SAML for authentication purposes. On this page, we’ll run you through all of the SAML basics and help you understand this open standard the majority of people use daily.

Come proteggere il tuo account Gmail nel 2022? - Best practice per la sicurezza della posta elettronica

<b> How to Secure your Gmail Account in 2022? - Email Security Best Practices</b>

Gmail è uno dei servizi di posta elettronica più popolari e tuttavia più vulnerabili. Supportato dal più grande motore di ricerca del mondo e con oltre 1 miliardo di utenti di posta elettronica e una quantità corrispondente di pagamenti e informazioni riservate, attira molti truffatori. Ci ha ispirato a Hideez per approfondire l'argomento e fornire suggerimenti su come proteggere il tuo account Gmail nel 2022.

Che cos'è l'autenticazione a fattore singolo? Pro e contro SFA

What Is Single-Factor Authentication? SFA pros and cons
Single-factor authentication (SFA) was the norm for many years before multi-factor authentication started gradually replacing it. In today’s era of highly developed information systems, most security experts agree that single-factor authentication simply isn’t enough to keep you safe.