
Hideez Blog | Notizie sulla gestione delle identità, best practice e suggerimenti

Cos'è IDaaS? Spiegazione dell'identità come servizio

<b>What Is IDaaS? Ultimate Guide to Identity as a Service</b>
Cos'è IDaaS? Guida definitiva a Identity as a Service Lettura di 7 minuti | 27 giugno 2024 Condividi: Con il crescente numero di m...

Cos'è FIDO2 e come funziona? Vantaggi e svantaggi dell'autenticazione senza password

<b>What Is FIDO2 and How Does It Work? Passwordless Authentication Advantages & Disadvantages</b>

Accedere a un sito web o a un servizio utilizzando la tradizionale combinazione di nome utente e password non è più il modo migliore o più sicuro per farlo. Man mano che i criminali informatici diventano tecnologicamente più avanzati, anche i metodi di protezione dei dati devono progredire. È qui che nuovi standard di autenticazione come FIDO2 possono diventare uno strumento utile per combattere il problema.

Come recuperare una password dimenticata su Facebook

<b>How to Recover a Forgotten Password on Facebook </b>
On its own, forgetting your Facebook password is frustrating. But when you realize that you might also require your Facebook account to log into other services, it becomes much more terrifying. But have no fear, there are a few ways to reset a forgotten password, and to we'll help you so you could never be concerned about having your Facebook password forgotten ever again. Some of the techniques, though, will only work if you prepared beforehand.

Piattaforme per videoconferenze conformi a HIPAA: Confronto tra Google Meet, Teams e Skype

HIPAA Compliant Video Conferencing Platforms

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, more commonly known by its abbreviation HIPAA, is a crucial piece of legislation that provides a federal floor and sets a high standard for patient data confidentiality. HIPAA’s role is especially relevant with the increasing intertwinement of digital platforms and healthcare practices

Cos'è il login per prossimità? Guida completa all'autenticazione per prossimità e MFA.

Proximity login & logout

Even in 2024, we still primarily rely on traditional methods of authentication based on a username/password combination. However, not only is this method impractical the more passwords you need to remember, but there are also many more efficient and more secure methods of cyber authentication. One of the increasingly more popular forms of authentication is Proximity-Based Authentication. 

Soluzioni di sicurezza per la produzione: I migliori consigli sulla sicurezza della produzione e sul controllo degli accessi

<b>Manufacturing Security Solutions:  Top Tips on Secure Manufacturing & Access Control</b>

Due to the inherent way they operate, manufacturing sites are faced with a unique set of challenges that many other organizations don’t have to deal with. This puts manufacturers in a burdensome position of having to implement robust integrated security solutions to ensure around-the-clock protection. In this article, we’ll discuss the best manufacturing security solutions and OT security solutions, and share the top tips for establishing secure manufacturing.

¿Qué es la seguridad corporativa? Principales consejos y soluciones para 2024

<b> What Is Corporate Security? Top Tips and Solutions for 2024 </b>

Although absolutely critical for all organizations, corporate security is, unfortunately, often misunderstood. Although the perception around it is slowly but surely changing, many businesses still see it as a redundant expense. So, what is corporate security management exactly? How does it work, how can you enhance it, and what are the main challenges that stand in the way?

Come accedere a Windows 10 senza password ed evitare rischi per la sicurezza?

How to Log into Windows 10 without Password and Avoid Security Risks?
Having to enter a password every time you log into your Windows computer can be a hassle, especially if you use a tough and complex combination. Luckily, there are some ways to remove your Windows 10 password without putting your sensitive information in danger. Read on and learn how to enable Windows 10 login without a password while avoiding any security risks. 

Rafforzamento della sicurezza: Hideez e Ekran System uniscono le forze per un avanzato sistema di gestione dell'identità degli endpoint.

<b>Elevating Security: Hideez and Ekran System Join Forces for Advanced Endpoint Identity Management</b>
Hideez is delighted to announce a strategic partnership with Ekran System, a leading provider of insider risk management solutions. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in enhancing our clients' security posture by integrating Hideez's state-of-the-art authentication technologies with Ekran System's comprehensive insider threat management platform.

Hideez è ora un fornitore di chiavi di sicurezza FIDO compatibile con Microsoft.

Microsoft-approved FIDO2 security key vendor
We are thrilled to announce that Hideez Group Inc. has achieved the status of a Microsoft-approved FIDO2 security key provider, renowned for delivering a passwordless experience through the Hideez Key 4. This advanced key supports Bluetooth, NFC, and USB authentication and seamlessly integrates with all FIDO services.

Il servizio di autenticazione di Hideez è ora disponibile sul AWS Marketplace!

<b>Hideez Authentication Service is Now Available on AWS Marketplace!</b>
We are delighted to announce the availability of Hideez Authentication Service as a Security solution in the AWS Marketplace! AWS Marketplace serves as a digital hub hosting thousands of software listings by independent vendors, simplifying the process of finding, evaluating, procuring, and deploying software compatible with Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Abordando los desafíos de autenticación en instalaciones médicas con soluciones innovadoras de atención médica.

<b>Addressing Authentication Challenges in Medical Facilities With Innovative Healthcare Solutions</b>

In today's era of healthcare transformation, safeguarding patient data with utmost security and privacy has become an absolute imperative. At the heart of this quest lies the challenge of authentication – the process of verifying user identities to access sensitive information. This article investigates these authentication challenges and demonstrates the potential of passwordless authentication as an integrated healthcare solution.