
Passwordless MFA 

For Cyber Insurance 

Empower your workforce to swiftly and securely access their accounts and workstations, minimizing susceptibility to phishing scams and fortifying defenses against data breaches


Employees prefer phone-based authentication

to passwords

105 sec.

Average time users spend on standard login + MFA


Find traditional MFA (SMS, OTPs, etc.) annoying 


Leave their computers

unlocked and unattended

mFA requirements for cyber insurance

In today's ever-changing world of cyber threats and regulations around data privacy, it's crucial to emphasize the importance of robust cybersecurity measures. As businesses strive to protect their sensitive information, cyber insurance has emerged as a critical aspect of their risk management strategy. However, in light of the increasing frequency of cyberattacks, insurance providers are adapting their policies to better mitigate risks.

Recent trends in the insurance industry have shown a notable shift towards requiring multi-factor authentication (MFA) as a prerequisite for cyber insurance coverage. This shift reflects a proactive response to the escalating threat landscape, particularly with the rise of phishing and ransomware attacks. The significant ransom payout of $40 million by CNA Financial Corp in March 2021 serves as a stark reminder of the potential financial consequences of cyber incidents.

not all forms of MFA offer the same level of security

The effectiveness of multi-factor authentication methods varies significantly in enhancing security measures. While traditional approaches, like sending one-time passwords (OTPs) to phones or email addresses, provide an added layer of security, they remain vulnerable to phishing attacks. Hackers can easily deceive users into entering their credentials and OTP codes on fake websites, compromising sensitive information undetected.

In contrast, phishing-resistant MFA utilizes a different authentication approach, requiring users to possess a personal security key and eliminiating the need for any kind of passwords of one-time codes. Passwordless authentication relies on cryptographic protocols. Instead, it employs public key cryptography to verify a user's identity.

Passwordless authentication is based on FIDO2 and FIDO U2F authentication protocols that are inherently phishing-resistant because they use a combination of biometric data, such as fingerprints or facial recognition, and cryptographic keys stored securely on the user's device. These keys are unique to each device and cannot be replicated or intercepted by hackers.

Unlike OTPs, the secrets of Passkeys or physical security keys are nearly impossible to extract remotely, making them highly resilient against interception and man-in-the-middle attacks. This robust security measure ensures that only authorized users gain access to sensitive resources, offering peace of mind to organizations and their cyber insurance providers.

Hideez Service: True Passwordless MFA for Cyber Insurance

  • Authentication Method Variety: Hideez provides a range of FIDO-certified authentication tools offering phishing-resistant MFA. Passwordless authentication enhances security by using public keys instead of a knowledge-based secret.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: Hideez is compatible with both on-premises and cloud-based applications. This ensures seamless deployment across diverse environments, accommodating the evolving needs of your organization.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Passwordless login accelerates  authentication process, making it more user-friendly. This, in turn, will improve employee productivity and satisfaction.
  • Compliance: Passwordless MFA provides stronger authentication measures, enabling organizations to comply with cyber insurance regulatory requirements, safeguarding their sensitive data and business reputation.

How Does Hideez Passwordless MFA Work?

Our triple-layered authentication system can be customized to your preferences, ensuring maximum security  and smooth user experience:
passwortlose Authentifizierung

Verabschieden Sie sich von Passwörtern:
Erleben Sie echtes passwortloses SSO

Unabhängig davon, wie viele Identitätsanbieter Sie haben, kann Hideez Sie dabei unterstützen, Passwörter loszuwerden. Durch die Erweiterung Ihrer Investition in SSO und die Abschaffung von Passwörtern können Sie ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit für alle Ihre Anwendungen erreichen. Mit Hideez sind die Möglichkeiten für die Authentifizierung endlos!

Werkzeuge zur Fernverwaltung

Optimieren Sie Ihren Arbeitsablauf 

mit Remote Login Lösungen

Mit Hideez können Sie Ihr Team mit schneller und unkomplizierter passwortloser Sicherheit ausstatten, die auf all ihren Geräten, Anwendungen, Netzwerken und mehr funktioniert. Durch die Verwendung von Hideez können Sie die Anmeldungen für Desktops, RDP und VDI rationalisieren und konsolidieren, was die Effizienz Ihres Teams steigert, unabhängig davon, von wo aus es arbeitet.

Proximity-basiertes PC-Login
und unbeaufsichtigtes Logout

Our phsical security keys store up to 2,000 passwords per device. With automatic proximity lock/unlock for PCs, you can ensure that access to your desktop computers is always secure. Our solution also provides the ability for remote user logout, allowing you to end user sessions remotely.

Nahtlose Integration mit Cloud-basierten und On-Premise-Diensten

Unsere Tools für das Zugriffs- und Identitätsmanagement lassen sich nahtlos in Active Directory und Azure AD integrieren und bieten eine zentralisierte Authentifizierung mit SAML SSO. Unsere Lösung zur Benutzerauthentifizierung unterstützt sowohl moderne als auch ältere Anwendungen.

Admin-Konsole zur Verwaltung 

Benutzer und Zugriffsrechte

Mit unseren Tools zur Verwaltung des Benutzerzugriffs können Sie die Authentifizierungsmethoden und Zugriffsrechte aller Mitarbeiter verwalten und Benutzer von einer zentralen Verwaltungskonsole aus sperren oder löschen. Mit anpassbaren Lösungen, einfacher Bereitstellung und Support können Sie den Benutzerzugang mit Leichtigkeit verwalten!

Internet Connection
Is Not Required for End Users

Stay connected to your corporate resources even without an internet connection. Our passwordless authentication solution allows employees to access apps and log in to workstations offline. With our mobile app, employees can using one-time access codes, while Hideez Keys offer one-touch login with a PIN code.

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