
Hideez-Blog | Neuigkeiten, Best Practices und Tipps zum Identitätsmanagement

Mobile Authentifizierung und App-Authentifikatoren: Die Zukunft des passwortlosen Identitätsmanagements

What is app authenticator?
In today's digital world, securing sensitive information and protecting user privacy is of utmost importance. Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated, making it challenging for organizations to keep up with the latest security protocols. Passwords have been a long-standing method of securing data, but they are increasingly proving to be inadequate in the face of advanced threats such as phishingkeylogging, and brute force attacks.

Brute-Force-Angreifer beobachtet Sie! Brute-Force-Angriffe verhindern

Brute Force Attackers
In today's digital landscape, cyber threats have become more sophisticated and pervasive than ever before. From phishing scams to ransomware attacks, businesses and organizations are under constant threat from hackers and cybercriminals seeking to steal valuable data, disrupt operations, and cause havoc.

Datenschutzbestimmungen der HIPAA. Was sind die HIPAA-Sicherheitsregeln und Datenschutzregeln?

Privacy Rule of HIPAA
Patient privacy and the confidentiality of patient data are paramount to healthcare providers. However, with the increase of electronic health records, unauthorized access and breaches of patient data are becoming more common. That's where the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) comes in.

Das Problem geknackter Passwörter. Wie verhindert man ein Knacken von Passwörtern?

<b>The Problem of Cracked Passwords. How to Prevent Password Crack?</b>

Passwords have been widely adopted as the most effective way to protect valuable data from unauthorized access. They are simple and easy to use, but reliable enough to deter most hacking attempts. However, as technology has advanced over the years, the traditional security system of implementing passwords seems to be slowly falling behind. 

Was ist Passwortverwaltung? Beispiele der besten Passwort-Manager für Unternehmen und Privatpersonen

<b>What is Password Management? Examples of Best Password Managers for Businesses and Individuals</b>

Passwords are a fundamental instrument for protecting our valuable information. It’s impossible to exist in the online world, let alone the business part of it, without using passwords. Now more than ever, healthy and responsible password management practices play a prominent role in our everyday lives. This is where password managers come in. 

Wie schütze ich Dateien mit Passwörtern?
Der ultimative Leitfaden

<b>How to Protect Files with Passwords? The Ultimite Guide</b>

Protecting your files is crucial, as you can never be too safe when safeguarding valuable data from unwanted intruders. Your password is the last line of defense between your data and those from whom you want to keep it private. This page aims to expand what we set out to do with the first one and deliver even more in-depth and targeted information on how to protect files with a password. 

Vishing erklärt: Was sind Vishing und Smishing?

<b>Vishing Explained: What are Vishing and Smishing?</b>

When your phone rings and you see a number you’re not familiar with, you can’t tell who’s on the other side unless you answer. But, doing so might be opening the door to a scammer and putting yourself in danger of falling for a vishing scam. Unfortunately, most people aren’t familiar with how vishing works and exactly how dangerous it can be. 

SafetyDetectives: Ein Interview mit Oleg Naumenko, CEO Hideez

<b>SafetyDetectives: An Interview with Oleg Naumenko, CEO Hideez</b>
SafetyDetectives spoke with Hideez founder and CEO Oleg Naumenko. He is currently in Ukraine and has volunteered to help the government improve its cybersecurity by upgrading the infrastructure, eliminating vulnerabilities, and integrating the new passwordless authentication standard for free. We also talked about Hideez, and he gave some tips for improving your cybersecurity.

Was ist ein virtueller Desktop? Virtueller Desktop unter Windows 10

<b> What is Virtual Desktop? Virtual Desktop on Windows 10 </b>
A VDI (Virtual Desktop Interface) can be a valuable tool that lets you maintain productivity and quality of work by allowing you access to a system from different places. Whether you’re just one individual or a company that employs remote workers, a virtual desktop can make your projects more convenient and streamlined.

Warum die Zugriffskontrolle wichtig ist – Beispiele und Lösungen für die Zugriffskontrolle

<b>Why Access Control Is Important? Access Control Examples and Solutions</b>
If you’re a business owner or run an organization, no matter which scale, implementing a robust external security system is a must. The number of online threats is increasing over time, and this doesn’t only pertain to external threats. An internal security problem can have equally devastating consequences for your organization.

Definition von Phishing: Was bedeutet Phishing? Spear-Phishing vs. Phishing

<b>Phishing Defined: What Does Phished Mean? Spear Phishing vs Phishing</b>

Even if you aren’t very much into cybersecurity and are not particularly tech-savvy, you’ve probably heard about the term phishing. But, do you know how it works and what the most common forms of phishing are? It’s estimated that around 15 billion spam emails are sent out daily. More worryingly, on average, one in every 99 emails is a phishing attack, meaning that the overall attack rate is just over 1%.

Kennwortzurücksetzung für Microsoft-Konto. Beste Möglichkeiten zum Sichern Ihres Kontos

Password reset for Microsoft account
Since Microsoft account often contains a lot of sensitive digital information, you'll obviously want to keep it safe. The good news is that you don't have to be an experienced security specialist to set up strong defense against hackers and con artists. This post will teach you how to keep your account secure, as well as how to implement alternative methods in the event you forget your password or suspect a hack, including how to reset password for Microsoft password.