
Блог Hideez | Новини з управління ідентифікацією

Рішення забезпечення безпеки виробництва: Найкращі поради з безпеки виробництва та контролю доступу

<b>Manufacturing Security Solutions:  Top Tips on Secure Manufacturing & Access Control</b>

Due to the inherent way they operate, manufacturing sites are faced with a unique set of challenges that many other organizations don’t have to deal with. This puts manufacturers in a burdensome position of having to implement robust integrated security solutions to ensure around-the-clock protection. In this article, we’ll discuss the best manufacturing security solutions and OT security solutions, and share the top tips for establishing secure manufacturing.

Що таке корпоративна безпека? Найкращі поради та рішення на 2024 рік

<b> What Is Corporate Security? Top Tips and Solutions for 2024 </b>

Although absolutely critical for all organizations, corporate security is, unfortunately, often misunderstood. Although the perception around it is slowly but surely changing, many businesses still see it as a redundant expense. So, what is corporate security management exactly? How does it work, how can you enhance it, and what are the main challenges that stand in the way?

Як входити в Windows 10 без пароля і уникати ризиків безпеки?

How to Log into Windows 10 without Password and Avoid Security Risks?
Having to enter a password every time you log into your Windows computer can be a hassle, especially if you use a tough and complex combination. Luckily, there are some ways to remove your Windows 10 password without putting your sensitive information in danger. Read on and learn how to enable Windows 10 login without a password while avoiding any security risks. 

Підвищення безпеки: Hideez та Ekran System об'єднують зусилля для вдосконаленого управління ідентифікацією на кінцевих точках

<b>Elevating Security: Hideez and Ekran System Join Forces for Advanced Endpoint Identity Management</b>
Hideez is delighted to announce a strategic partnership with Ekran System, a leading provider of insider risk management solutions. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in enhancing our clients' security posture by integrating Hideez's state-of-the-art authentication technologies with Ekran System's comprehensive insider threat management platform.

Hideez тепер є постачальником FIDO-ключів безпеки, сумісних з Microsoft

Microsoft-approved FIDO2 security key vendor
We are thrilled to announce that Hideez Group Inc. has achieved the status of a Microsoft-approved FIDO2 security key provider, renowned for delivering a passwordless experience through the Hideez Key 4. This advanced key supports Bluetooth, NFC, and USB authentication and seamlessly integrates with all FIDO services.

Сервіс аутентифікації Hideez тепер доступний на AWS Marketplace!

<b>Hideez Authentication Service is Now Available on AWS Marketplace!</b>
We are delighted to announce the availability of Hideez Authentication Service as a Security solution in the AWS Marketplace! AWS Marketplace serves as a digital hub hosting thousands of software listings by independent vendors, simplifying the process of finding, evaluating, procuring, and deploying software compatible with Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Вирішення проблем аутентифікації в медичних установах за допомогою інноваційних рішень в охороні здоров'я

<b>Addressing Authentication Challenges in Medical Facilities With Innovative Healthcare Solutions</b>

In today's era of healthcare transformation, safeguarding patient data with utmost security and privacy has become an absolute imperative. At the heart of this quest lies the challenge of authentication – the process of verifying user identities to access sensitive information. This article investigates these authentication challenges and demonstrates the potential of passwordless authentication as an integrated healthcare solution.

Аутентифікація наступного покоління за допомогою смарт-карт: Як аутентифікація FIDO підвищує традиційні входи за допомогою смарт-карт?

next-gen smartcard login
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the protection of sensitive information has become increasingly crucial. As traditional authentication methods struggle to keep pace with evolving threats, smart card authentication has emerged as a reliable solution, providing enhanced security for both individuals and organizations.

Мобільна аутентифікація та програмні аутентифікатори: майбутнє безпарольного управління ідентичністю

What is app authenticator?
In today's digital world, securing sensitive information and protecting user privacy is of utmost importance. Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated, making it challenging for organizations to keep up with the latest security protocols. Passwords have been a long-standing method of securing data, but they are increasingly proving to be inadequate in the face of advanced threats such as phishingkeylogging, and brute force attacks.

Зловмисник за допомогою методу грубої сили спостерігає за вами! Запобігання атакам грубої сили

Brute Force Attackers
In today's digital landscape, cyber threats have become more sophisticated and pervasive than ever before. From phishing scams to ransomware attacks, businesses and organizations are under constant threat from hackers and cybercriminals seeking to steal valuable data, disrupt operations, and cause havoc.

Правило конфіденційності HIPAA. Які є правила безпеки та конфіденційності HIPAA?

Privacy Rule of HIPAA
Patient privacy and the confidentiality of patient data are paramount to healthcare providers. However, with the increase of electronic health records, unauthorized access and breaches of patient data are becoming more common. That's where the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) comes in.

Проблема зламаних паролів. Як запобігти злому пароля?

<b>The Problem of Cracked Passwords. How to Prevent Password Crack?</b>

Passwords have been widely adopted as the most effective way to protect valuable data from unauthorized access. They are simple and easy to use, but reliable enough to deter most hacking attempts. However, as technology has advanced over the years, the traditional security system of implementing passwords seems to be slowly falling behind.